Shifting the place of residence from the United Kingdom to any other country can turn out to be quite an arduous task, especially with regard to all of the household items which would need to be transported. However, if one additionally possesses a car, its movement is much simpler as it can easily be transported to its destination place with ease. This is because an international automobile shipping company can prove quite helpful in order to ship cars. It should be noted that two types of automobile shipping options are generally available. The first out of these is RORO or Roll On Roll Off, wherein the vehicle is driven and parked in the lower level deck of a transport ship and further secured for the transportation purposes. The other available method available to ship a car from UK is container shipping, wherein the automobile is secured inside a large cargo container, and is placed on a ship for further transport. The various steps involved in shipping a car from UK are outlined hereunder:
- The preferred mode of shipping should firstly be decided upon. It is usually noticed that RORO generally turns out to be the cheapest way to ship cars. However, if one needs to load the car up with the personal effects, then container shipping should be chosen because it is very difficult to pack anything along with a car, which is being shipped via RORO.
- The next subsequent step is to get the free online price quotes from the various international automobile shipping companies. However, it should be kept in mind that while filling out the free quote form, one should specifically state the type and make of the car to be shipped as well as the preferred method of shipping and the target destination.
- The price quotes obtained from the various shipping companies should be evaluated relatively in order to pick the right shipping company to ship a car from UK. It can also prove worthwhile to check if the price quotes include the port fees, the export certificate fees, car insurance or any other fees. If any of the above are not included, the extra cost for the shipping should be suitably obtained. It should also be made sure that the shipping company will fully assist in getting the requisite export certificate in order to reduce the customs delays.
- The selected company should be further contacted in order to arrange shipping of the car from UK using the specific contact details which are provided in the quote. Additionally, the transportation of the car to the port should be suitably arranged if one chooses not to drive it till there. Typically, this might result in extra costs and the amount mostly varies depending on the distance from the port. The date to ship a car from UK is generally fixed, but the due date of arrival at the destination always remains tentative.
- It is also a good idea to enquire whether the selected shipping company has its own ship cars agents at the destination port to assist with the customs as well as obtaining the vehicle. If not, assistance should be requested in arranging an experienced agent to lend a helping hand there at an extra cost.